Each day, our rigging specialists face projects that pose enormous challenges. From moving super-sized items, often weighing nearly unbelievable amounts, to tearing down, moving, and re-installing hyper-specialized medical equipment, we’ve pretty much seen it all. It’s no surprise then that when Indiana University gave us a call about removing all radioactive components from their Proton Therapy Center in Bloomington, we didn’t even hesitate to take on the project.
In total, our crews—working in conjunction with teams of experts from Ameriphysics and Energy Solutions—moved three massive (and we mean MASSIVE) machines from the center. To put it in perspective, the total weight of one unit was 5 million pounds. That’s 5, with six zeros following after…Our teams worked to safely dismantle all of the existing equipment, load it onto a fleet of waiting trucks, and move it to its final destination. The added element of radioactive equipment hardly gave our skilled professionals pause, as they performed their jobs to perfection.
A few photos of the project are below, detailing the sheer size of the project and how our team worked to overcome the challenges in order to keep complete the project on time and on budget, keeping our client happy.
Is your facility facing a move of this scale, or perhaps even something more complex? No problem. Get in touch with us HERE to see how we can take the stress out of even the biggest, most intimidating projects!