We get a lot of calls for interesting, and often difficult, rigging projects. Frequently they carry us across the country, and sometimes even the world, but it’s always a joy when we get to stay close to home and help out a budding small business. Such was the case recently, when Fourth Year Studio got in touch with us looking for someone who could move vintage commercial printing equipment from its home in South Knoxville, across the Tennessee River to their new facility. We’re not talking modern color copiers here but, rather, extremely heavy pieces of equipment, crafted from steel and iron before World War II.
Each piece had to be individually jacked from the floor, then palleted in order to be placed onto the flatbed truck for transport. Then, on the other side, each piece had to then be unloaded and set back off of the pallets into place. Sounds easy at first, but when you consider that the equipment can weigh over 5,000 lbs. that changes everything! Take a look through the photos below to follow along with the Rowe Transfer crew as they moved throughout the project, tackling challenges at every turn.
Have a unique rigging or transportation need? We’d love to hear from you; just click HERE to get in touch with us today!